Client: Sydney Ranee’

Role: Filmmaker

Year: 2019

Did you catch the 80’s reference?

Sydney Ranee’ is a delightful soul and R&B singer that I met in Seattle about a decade ago, with the hopes of working together on some terrificly soulful music. We finally got that chance with AnonVeda’s Samsara, and also on Poor Majesty’s Dreamer. Sydney’s voice has a wonderful dark and soulful presence, and fits into the mix of the music I love producing.

Our first and only music video together was for Poor Majesty’s song Patience, which we filmed in 2018. That might be where we all got to know Syd well, and fell in love with her easy grace and talent.

When she asked me to film the music video Drink With You for her record, I was more than excited to give it a shot, so to speak.

We shot it in the garment district in downtown Los Angeles in a single day. It was one of those lofty Los Angeles studios one might find down there. Shooting in one day in Los Angeles is a great idea – but not one I’d recommend. Fortunately we got it all in.

Syd had mentioned that she was looking for an 80s vibe, and I recommended making it look like it was off of an old VHS tape. She thought that was great. Being a child of the 80s I knew all about the look – and found everything I needed to fit that style.

Bonus: There’s a sequence in the video copped from a video from one of my favorite singers from the 80s. Did you see it?